10 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy During Ramzan This Summer!
10 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy During Ramzan This Summer! May 26, 2022 Written by Mrinal Pandit Fasting during Ramzan, especially in the summer months, can be challenging with the temperatures only rising each day! Summer days are longer than usual, so you have to go longer without meals and water while observing the sacred fast. There is a high chance that the scorching heat can adversely affect your body and may cause other health complications, stress and irritability. Top 10 Tips For A Healthy Ramzan Fast From Nutrition Experts Without further delay, here are the top 10 tips that will help you maintain your energy levels during the Ramadan fast easily and healthily: Maintain A Positive Mindset: Having a positive perspective about fasting during this time can be helpful. Experts suggest that looking at this period as an opportunity to reset your mind and body, test your limits and conquer them can make it a tad bit easier. Take One Day At A Time: Adding on,...